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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Time Management and Daily To-Do List: Now Children Too

Children Do Better Time Management

It is not so easy to mould the adults into time management and daily to-do list mode. But soon they get around doing it because of the benefits they see from being a bit organized.

On the other hand, on this subject, our experience with children even of 5 to 8 years of age has been quite heartening when compared to what happens with adults. We found that children look forward to making their daily activities lists and assigning the time they would like to spend on each activity.

Children find it quite interesting to make their daily activities lists with a dash of time management poured into them, particularly in their summer vacations and their other holiday seasons.

We tried it with a few children of 5 to 8 year age group and results were astonishing.

For example one child made the following daily list on her own initiative and it turned out better than what we have observed adults doing. Here is this wonderful activity chart of the little one:

My Activity Chart (Date: mm/dd/yy)
  1. Get up at 7 AM
  2. Morning activities (brushing teeth and the other activity- you know what I mean): 20 minutes (sometimes I read a book inside :) )
  3. Breakfast: 20 minutes
  4. TV watching (only the programs I am allowed): 45 minutes (time limit fixed by my parents, wish I could see more TV)
  5. Computer: Math 30 minutes and other games 30 minutes
  6. Jump rope: half hour
  7. Write in summer journal: 30 minutes
  8. Lunch time: 1 hour
  9. Read a book (she wrote name of the book here): 25 minutes
  10. Sketching: 30 minutes
  11. Homework Math: at 4 PM: 4 to 5 pages
  12. Piano: 1 hour
  13. Milk and snacks time: 20 minutes
  14. Dress into martial arts clothes and go to the martial arts center: 1 hour
  15. Dinner: 1 hour
  16. Take bath: 15 minutes
  17. Floss and brush teeth: 10 minutes
  18. Story listening (from mom and dad): 15 minutes
  19. Go to sleep
  20. Good night activity chart 
(You may like the book "Essentials of Time Management"; eBook: